A man is awoken by the echoing sound of dripping coming from the bathroom, which holds the deepest, darkest fear of mankind.

Director’s Notes

This film brought a new challenge I had never experienced before: underwater filming. I knew that it was a crucial element to the success of this film, since it pertained to the fear of drowning. Since our budget was extremely low, there was no way to rent an underwater camera. So the question arose: how do I protect my camera and get the shots I need? My first thought was to find a clear plastic container that could protect it. So I went on a search from store to store to find a container that would work. Unfortunately, to my dismay, most of the plastic containers were opaque or distorted in some way. So I turned to glass containers, but I soon found out they distort the image as well. After searching almost everywhere, I became discourage and thought that I may have to compromise my vision.

And then I came to Linen N' Things and found the perfect container: a completely clear air tight cookie jar. I tested the container in the water the next day and found that a little bit of water did get in from the pressure. So I bought plumbers tape and tested it with many different configurations. After a few tests, with my friend, we found the perfect combination and wrapped the camera in a towel. It was such a fun experience figuring out an answer to this problem. The container was a success and I got the shots I needed without compromising my vision. I felt like I was back in the early years of film, when everything was experimental and new.

-writer/director Eric Bair


  • Eric Phillips

  • Kyle Midlik


  • Eric Bair
